
Account Controller that provides user login, logoff, change password.

GET api/Account/UserInfo

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/Logout

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/ChangePassword

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/LoadUserInfo

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/ResetUserPassword

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/PasswordReset

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/SetPassword

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/RemoveLogin

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/Register

No documentation available.


TIP announcements controller

POST api/Announcement/GetWhatsNew

Retrieves Tips for the user's version of the app that the user has not viewed yet

POST api/Announcement/PostWhatsNewVersion

Updates the last viewed information for the user

POST api/Announcement/GetGroupTips

Returns the Tips for the selected Tip group

POST api/Announcement/GetTipGroups

Returns the list of Tip groups with Tips available

GET api/Announcement/GetAllTipGroups?userName={userName}

Retrieves the Tip group list for the Tip Administration web site

GET api/Announcement/GetAllTips?userName={userName}

Retrieves the list of all Tips for the Tip Administration web site. Includes inactive Tips.

GET api/Announcement/ToggleTipInactiveFlag?userName={userName}&tipId={tipId}

Toggles the Inactive Tip flag for the selected Tip. Used by the Tip Administration web site.

GET api/Announcement/ToggleNewUserTipFlag?userName={userName}&tipId={tipId}

Toggles the New User Tip flag for the selected Tip. Used by the Tip Administration web site.


Provides Access to Assignments API.

POST api/Assignments/GetTeamMembers

Gets Team Members.

POST api/Assignments/GetICATSTeamMembers

Gets iCATS Team Members.

POST api/Assignments/GetMailboxAssignments

Get Mailbox Assignments.

POST api/Assignments/GetICATSMailboxAssignments

Get iCATS Mailbox Assignments.

POST api/Assignments/GetEventAssignments

Gets all Assignments for an Event based on EventCategoryId and EventCategoryCode.

POST api/Assignments/GetCaseAssignments

Get Case Assignments.

POST api/Assignments/GetInvestigationAssignments

Gets Investigation Assignments.

POST api/Assignments/AssignEventToMailbox

Assigns an event with EventCategoryId and EventCategoryCode to a mailbox.

POST api/Assignments/AssignCaseToMailbox

Assigns a case to a mailbox.

POST api/Assignments/AssignInvestigationToMailbox

Assigns an investigation to a mailbox.

POST api/Assignments/AssignInvestigationToICATSMailbox

Assigns an investigation to a mailbox.

POST api/Assignments/AssignEventToWorker

Assigns an event with EventCategoryId and EventCategoryCode to a worker in a team.

POST api/Assignments/AssignCaseToWorker

Assigns a case to a worker in a team.

POST api/Assignments/AssignInvestigationToWorker

Assigns an investigation to a worker in a team.

POST api/Assignments/GetAssignableTeamWorkers

Get Team Members and Responsibility Codes that can be assigned


Case Information controller

POST api/Case/GetCaseInfo

Returns basic case information and last three months worth of notes associated to the case.

POST api/Case/GetCaseSummaryTabInfo

Deprecated call to maintain support with apps built using the v1.53 API release. Use GetCaseAndPlansSummary instead

POST api/Case/GetCaseAndPlansSummary

Provides additional summarized case, assessments and plans information

POST api/Case/GetCasePhotos

Get Case Photos for Case

POST api/Case/PostCasePhoto

Save Case Photo

POST api/Case/GetPhoto

Retrieves Photo.

POST api/Case/GetCaseDocuments

Retrieves the documents for a case.

POST api/Case/UploadCaseDocuments

Uploads the documents for a case.


Contract Detail controller

POST api/Contact/GetContact

Retrieves contact detail information

POST api/Contact/PostContact

Saves contact detail information


Provides Document API endpoint for Document related activities.

POST api/Document/GetDocument

Retrieves the Document from BACSoC/FileNet GraphQL API.

POST api/Document/GetDocumentSet

Retrieves the DocumentSet from BACSoC/FileNet GraphQL API.

POST api/Document/UploadDocument

Saves the Document (with DocumentContent) into BACSoC/FileNet via GraphQL API.

POST api/Document/DeleteDocument

Saves the Document (with DocumentContent) into BACSoC/FileNet via GraphQL API.

POST api/Document/UploadDocumentSet

Saves the DocumentSet (with DocumentContent) into BACSoC/FileNet via GraphQL API.

POST api/Document/AssociateDocument

Associates a Document to the specified Document Properties in BACSoC/FileNet GraphQL API.

POST api/Document/AssociateDocumentSet

Associates a DocumentSet to the specified Document Properties in BACSoC/FileNet GraphQL API.

POST api/Document/GetDocumentTemplates

Provides Document Templates in BACSoC/FileNet GraphQL API.

POST api/Document/GetDocumentMetaData

Provides Document Properties in BACSoC/FileNet GraphQL API.


Interact with event information from system

GET api/Event/GetCaseLoad?networkdId={networkdId}

Get users entire caseload, including team member caseloads for supervisors based on User's Network ID.

GET api/Event/GetCaseLoad?networkId={networkId}&workerId={workerId}&orgRoleCode={orgRoleCode}&orgEntityId={orgEntityId}&desktop={desktop}

Get entire users caseload based on specified worker role.

POST api/Event/GetEvents

Get specific user list of assigned events. Use SessionInfo Parameters to specify team member events for supervisory roles.

POST api/Event/GetEventsForSupervisor

Get specific supervisor assigned workers investigation events.

POST api/Event/GetEventCounts

Get a specific users count of active events based on event type. Use SessionInfo Parameters to specify team member events for supervisory roles.

POST api/Event/GetEventSummaryUsingDisplayId

Returns the EventSummary object for the specified case or investigation. Investigations are retrieved using the displayed investigation Id, not the record key. The Ids required must be provided in the SessionInfo Parameters dictionary. If the case or investigation cannot be located, or the user does not have access to the record, an empty EventSummary is returned with the CategoryId set to the associated error code.


Facility information controller

POST api/Facility/CCWISFacilityHistory

Retrieves the CCWIS Facility History collection for the facility.

POST api/Facility/CCWISSubmitFacility

Submit the CCWIS Facility to Sync with SACWIS.

POST api/Facility/CCWISLinkIntakeFacility

Retrieves the CCWIS Link Intake Facility


CANS Intake.

POST api/Intake/GetIntake

Returns a intake of a given Intake Id

POST api/Intake/GetIntakeSummaryDocument

Returns a summary of a given CANS Intake

POST api/Intake/PostIntake

Stores a new intake

POST api/Intake/PostCCWISIntake

Stores a new CCWIS Intake

POST api/Intake/CCWISLinkIntake

Retrieves the CCWIS Link Intake


Investigation Controller

POST api/Investigation/GetInvestigationInfo

Retrieves the investigation details

POST api/Investigation/GetExpandedInvestigationInfo

Retrieves the expanded investigation details

POST api/Investigation/GetInvestigationPhotos

Retrieves the photos for an investigation

POST api/Investigation/GetInvestigationPhoto

Retrieves a single photo from an investigation

POST api/Investigation/GetInvestigationPhotoUpload

Retrieves an investigation with the investigation photo

POST api/Investigation/PostInvestigationPhoto

Stores a photo for an investigation

POST api/Investigation/GetInvestigationListStatus

Retrieves the list of investigation statuses

POST api/Investigation/GetInvestigationDocuments

Retrieves the documents for an investigation.

POST api/Investigation/UploadInvestigationDocuments

Uploads the documents for an investigation.


Local Photo User Controller. (Obsolete).

POST api/LocalPhoto/GetPhotoKey

Provides Photo Key.


Note controller

POST api/Note/GetNote

Retrieves a note

POST api/Note/PostNote

Stores a note


Person information controller

POST api/Person/PostPhoto

Adds a new Photo to the database for the specified person. The photo is now the needed data for the person case photo record.

POST api/Person/GetPersonProfilePhoto

Retrieves the person photo for the specified person.

POST api/Person/GetInvestigationCasePersons

Retrieves person information, including contacts list.

POST api/Person/PersonSearch

Searches for a person based on the SearchParameters values.

POST api/Person/PersonDetails

Retrieves the details for the requested person.

POST api/Person/PersonDetailsHistory

Retrieves the person detail history collection for the search parameters.

POST api/Person/CCWISPersonPriorHistory

Retrieves the CCWIS Person Prior History collection for the search parameters.

POST api/Person/PersonDetailsInvestigationSummary

Retrieves the primary worker and allegations details for the investigation.

POST api/Person/PersonDetailsCaseSummary

Retrieves the case summary details, worker details and person photo for the case.

POST api/Person/PersonDetailsYouthInformation

Retrieves the Youth Information from CYCIS.

POST api/Person/GetPersonDetailRelationships

Retrieves the collection of relationships for a person.

POST api/Person/GetPersonDetailEducation

Retrieves the education details for a person.

POST api/Person/GetPersonDocuments

Retrieves the documents for a person.

POST api/Person/UploadPersonDocuments

Uploads the documents for a person.


Retrieve user information from system

POST api/User/GetSession

Get user information such as roles and team members

POST api/User/GetEncryptionKey

Get User specific encryption key

POST api/User/GetUserPermissions

Provides User Permissions.


Utility Controller for Mobile API Version.

GET api/Utility/GetMobileAppVersionNumber

Provides the API version.